PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved) | Singapore - Singapore

7500A Beach Road, The Plaza, 199591 新加坡, 新加坡 (显示地图)

PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved) 的描述

PARKROYAL 飯店位於美芝路(Beach Road),距離濱海藝術中心和新加坡摩天觀景輪 5 分鐘車程,提供 1 座室外游泳池、獲獎中餐廳和奢華水療服務,全區均提供免費無線上網。

客房裝潢現代化,全面禁煙,配備免費有線網絡和水療中心級盥洗用品,設有迷你吧、有線電視和私人保險箱,提供 24 小時客房服務。

PARKROYAL on Beach Road 飯店距離樟宜國際機場(Changi International Airport)約 25 分鐘車程,距離武吉士地鐵站(Bugis MRT Station)和新達城會展中心(Suntec City Convention Centre)10 分鐘步行路程,距離尼誥大道地鐵站(Nicoll Highway MRT Station)5 分鐘步行路程,距離新加坡運動中心( Sports Hub)1 站地鐵路程。飯店提供免費定時接駁車前往萊佛士城購物中心。

St. Gregory's Spa 提供各式傳統印尼美容和身體護理服務,並設有熱水浴缸和蒸汽室,住客亦可在日光躺椅上休息,欣賞新加坡城市景觀。

四川豆花餐廳供應道地中國美食,Ginger 餐廳提供最優質的中國、馬來西亞、印度和本土華人美食,Club 5 酒吧和池畔咖啡廳和酒吧提供飲料和娛樂活動。

PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved) 的房间选择

PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved) 的服務

戶外 陽光露台
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。
活動設施 夜間娛樂 另外收費
餐飲服務 館內咖啡店, 水果 另外收費, 瓶裝水, 酒/香檳 另外收費, 特殊飲食菜單(隨需提供), 房內享用早餐, 酒吧, 餐廳
網路 免費! 住宿方于客房提供有線網絡(免費)。
停車場 免費! 不需預約:住宿場所設有私人停車設施((免費))。, 停車場
迎賓接待服務 禮賓服務, 附設自動提款機, 行李寄存, 票務服務, 旅遊諮詢台, 外幣兌換, 快速入住/退房手續, 24 小時接待櫃檯
娛樂及家庭服務 兒童電視頻道
清潔服務 每日清潔服務, 熨褲機 另外收費, 擦鞋服務 另外收費, 熨燙服務 另外收費, 乾洗 另外收費, 洗衣 另外收費
商務設施 傳真/複印 另外收費, 商務中心 另外收費, 會議/宴會設施 另外收費
安全 滅火器, 公共區域設有監視器, 警報器, 24 小時警衛, 保險箱
綜合設施 接駁服務, 附設迷你市場, 接駁車服務(另外收費), 吸菸區, 空調, 全面禁菸, 電梯, 新娘套房, 貴賓室設施, 理髮/美容中心, 禁菸客房, 報紙, 客房服務
2 個游泳池 免費! 所有泳池均可免費使用, 全年開放, 開放時間, 所有年齡皆可使用, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 海灘椅/躺椅, 池邊酒吧, 景觀泳池, 淺水區, 全年開放, 開放時間, 適合兒童, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 池邊酒吧
養生會館 健身/SPA 置物櫃, 個人健身教練, 健身課程, 瑜珈課, 健身, 全身按摩 另外收費, 足底按摩 另外收費, 背部按摩 另外收費, SPA 健康課程, SPA 休息放鬆區, 蒸氣房, SPA 設施, 海灘椅/躺椅, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 熱水按摩池 另外收費, 按摩 另外收費, SPA 及養生會館 另外收費, 健身中心
安全設施 為顧客提供口罩, 住宿提供顧客可使用的體溫計, 有需要時可諮詢衛生保健專家, 有急救箱, 執行檢查住客健康狀況的流程, 不再使用共用的文具,例如紙本菜單、雜誌、紙筆, 工作人員遵守當地政府機關下達的所有安全指示
保持社交距離 於合適的區域在工作人員和住客之間放置隔板或任何可阻隔接觸的實物, 遵守保持社交距離的規定, 可用現金以外的方式付款, 辦理入住/退房手續零接觸
清潔與消毒 住客可選擇取消住宿期間的清潔服務, 接待每組住客的間隔均消毒房間, 遵照當地主管機關建議方式清洗床單、毛巾和衣物, 使用能有效對付新冠病毒的化學清潔藥劑
飲食安全 外送食物有良好包裝, 所有餐盤、餐具、玻璃杯等其他餐桌用品皆經過消毒, 可送餐至住客房間, 用餐區保持社交距離
使用的語言 英語, 馬來語, 中文

PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved) 條件

入住時間 從 15:00 時
退房時間 12:00 前
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡限制 須年滿 18 歲才能辦理入住
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。
團體 如果預訂客房數超過10間,住宿方將採用不同的政策和額外補充規定 。
此飯店接受以下信用卡別 PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved)接受上列信用卡並有權於抵達前暫時保留部分款項。












請提前告知PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved)您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。

住宿將於 2020 年 9 月 21 日(週一)至 2020 年 12 月 15 日(週二)進行裝修。在此期間,客人可能會遭遇噪音或光照干擾,部分住宿設施和服務也可能無法使用。

酒吧自 2020 年 9 月 21 日(週一)至 2020 年 11 月 15 日(週日)關閉

PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean)

PARKROYAL on Beach Road

What is the average price to stay at PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved)?

The average price is 178 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates. usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.

PARKROYAL on Beach Road, Singapore 的 100% 真實評論


旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 PARKROYAL on Beach Road, Singapore,你會強調什麼
The food was excellent and the staff very helpful especially Viky one of the concierges.
We had to change rooms and pay extra to have a bath.
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 PARKROYAL on Beach Road, Singapore,你會強調什麼
Very Good
Good location friendly staff.
Over charged for room service. 25 dollars for coco pops and OJ for my three year old. Was almost cheaper to order the buffet
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 PARKROYAL on Beach Road, Singapore,你會強調什麼
rooms were really nice and spacious for our family, staff were very friendly and the hotel itself is really nice after its refurbishment would stay there again and the pool was nice never too busy
the breakfast food really needs improvement. the eggs were always cold and there was no bacon offered. the cereal needs milk next to it (its a bit difficult to find the first time as the milk is on a shelf away from cereal) the mini cupcakes in the pastry section were rock hard too. the room service menu would also benefit from a few more food choices (there was no alcohol on the takeaway menu which we thought was a bit odd) and the pool menu is a bit confusing as there is a book menu and a menu you can scan with your phone which is different.
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 PARKROYAL on Beach Road, Singapore,你會強調什麼
Standard triple room
- we reached early at around 2.45pm. staff allowed us to early check in - room was very spacious for 3. There was a sofa as well - easy and fast express check out. Staff handling the reception was polite and friendly
Room: - bed platform was quite high. Have to "climb" up just to get on the bed. - window was frosted. Didn't get to see view outside. Most probably for privacy purpose as our floor was level 2. - feels weird having filtered water drinkable water beside the bathroom which was much better rather then inside. Been to other hotels and the filtered water was placed outside the bathroom rather the.n inside. - no water hose in the bathroom - TV doesn't show the channels. We don't know which channel is for which number Ginger restaurant: We went for dinner and breakfast at ginger. Dinner: Dinner spread didn't give us the "wow" feeling when we saw the spread considering the price we paid for a weekend dinner. Restaurant provided plain water and hot drinks. Juice and soft drink was chargeable. Crabs have to be ordered via qr code. Breakfast: For breakfast plain water wasn't provided on the tables unlike dinner. They provide some chilled juices that supposedly we have to pour it ourselves. We thought we are able to take 1 big bottle of orange juice and put in on our table. In the first place it wasn't indicated that we can or cannot bring it over to our table. We saw some diners took the juice bottles too and we thought it's fine to take it. However one staff came and took our bottle away after we pour the juice on our cups. He said "sorry, juice is not allowed on the table. Only water can. That's all that he said and didn't explain why even. If that is the case, kindly put a note that indicate diners aren't allowed to bring the bottle juice to the table so there will be no misunderstanding.

PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved) 附近
Singapore / Singapore


Aliwal Arts Centre Aliwal Arts Centre
0.3 km
Malay Heritage Centre Malay Heritage Centre
0.3 km
Masjid Sultan Mosque Masjid Sultan Mosque
0.3 km
Parkview Museum Parkview Museum
0.3 km
Bugis MRT Station Bugis MRT Station
0.4 km


Suntec City Suntec City
0.7 km
Raffles City Raffles City
1.1 km
Singapore Art Museum Singapore Art Museum
1.1 km
City Hall MRT Station City Hall MRT Station
1.2 km
Singapore Flyer Singapore Flyer
1.2 km

Connections & Popular Places of interest

Changi Airport Changi Airport
14.9 km
Hang Nadim International Airport Hang Nadim International Airport
35 km
Senai International Airport Senai International Airport
43.5 km



- PARKROYAL on Beach Road (SG Clean, Staycation Approved) -

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